
Noosy 3in1 Nano SIM kortti adapteri sarja, 4 osaa

Noosy 3in1 Nano SIM kortti adapteri sarja, 4 osaa

NOOSY nano SIM korttisovitinsarja (3-in-1)

Näillä sovittimilla muutat Micro ja Nano-SIM-kortit tavalliseksi SIM-kortiksi.

1) Nano - Micro sovitin,
2) Nano - Mini sovitin,
3) Micro - Mini sovitin
4) avaaja sim-korttipidikkeelle.

Noosy Nano-SIM Adapter Kit (3-in-1)

Your Nano sim can be restored to a Micro sim or a standard sim thanks to the Noosy nano sim adapter. It's so easy to make your Nano sim match all mobile devices. This Nano sim adapter is a resistant tool that can be used a thousands times because of its high strength PC material.The Nano sim adapter was carved with precision molds : the accurate size won't make the Nano sim drop from the adapter,and allows you to restore them easily.

Included in delivery
1 nano SIM to micro SIM Adapter
1 nano SIM to standard SIM Adapter
1 micro SIM to standard SIM Adapter
1 iPhone SIM Card accessory


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