
EMTEC Puhdistussarja LCD ja TFT Näytöille, 3 osaa, 250ml

EMTEC Puhdistussarja LCD ja TFT Näytöille, 3 osaa, 250ml

EMTEC Puhdistussarja LCD ja TFT Näytöille, 3 osaa, 250ml ja 22liinaa, harja

-250ml suihkupullo puhdistusainetta
-22kpl rulla kuivia puhdistusliinoja
Paino 370g

EMTEC Cleaning Kit for LCD and TFT Screens, 3 parts, 250ml, 22wipes, brush

Product description
LCD/TFC screen cleaner. Special cleaning spray for TFT screens, laptops and flat bed scanner screens + dry wipes for computer hardware: Roll of 22 pre-cut dry tissues. These strong, lint-free wipes are the ideal cleaning product to take care of plastic surfaces, keyboards, phone, printers, scanners and screens, without risk of scratching. Suitable for use with LCD TFT screens. The wipes are the perfect complementary product to all EMTEC sprays and cleaning products.

Package Includes
1x 250ml Cleaning Spray
1x Roll of 22 Dry Wipes
1x Cleaning Brush


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